
Newsletter 9

ForM@Ter Newsletter N°9
September – October 2014


Minute of the setting up Committee meeting (10/09/2014)

Minute of the first meeting of the setting up Committee is now available on the website  .


SRTM data

The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), announced that the highest-resolution (30 m) topographic data over Africa generated from NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) will be released globally. For more […]


Setting up Committee meeting

The first meeting of the Setting up Committee will take place on 10 September 2014.


ITT Thematic exploitation platforms de l’ESA

L’information concernant les thèmes qui étaient retenus pour le futur ITT de l’ESA a été publiée mi-février: * Coastal Environment TEP * Forestry TEP * Hydrology TEP * Polar TEP […]


SPOT World Heritage programme

SPOT (Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre) is an high-resolution satellite system. It was initiated by CNES in the 1980s for its Earth observation programme. With over 30 million images […]

ForM@Ter project

Setting-up Committee composition

ForM@Ter partner institutions appointed their representatives in the setting up Committee. The Committee is made of 12 representatives of the following partners: SHOM, IPGP, CEA, Observatoire de Paris, IGN, IRD, […]