EPOS Implementation Phase
EPOS is currently at the end of the preparatory phase (2010-2014) and enters into the implementation phase (2015-2040).
The WG8 (Satellite Information Data), will be integrated into the implementation phase of EPOS. So the WP13 “Satellite Data” will be one of the WP EPOS project to be proposed in the tender Developing New World -Class Research Infrastructures –INFRADEV-3-2015 (deadline on 14/01/2015). This WP will be coordinated by l’IREA-CNR (istituto per il rilevamento elettromagnetico dell’ambiente – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
ForM@Ter will be involved to this WP with the support of the PEPS platform infrastructure implemented by CNES. This implication aims to develop services related to the first topic dedicated to the SAR and optical data that is expected to be implemented within the project (see the minute of the 10.09.2014 meeting ).