
Le satellite Sentinel-1 mesure les déplacements provoqués par le séisme du Népal

Le lancement du premier satellite européen Sentinel-1A en Avril 2014 par le programme Copernicus de la Commission Européenne et l’Agence Spatiale Européenne, concrétise un vaste plan visant à fournir les […]

Call for project

Demande de programmation d’image Spot 6/7 et Pléiades pour scientifiques

Le premier appel à projet pour la demande de programmation d’images Spot 6/7 et Pléiades à destination des scientifiques est ouvert jusqu’au 13 mars 2015. Le Pôle Theia est en charge […]


TanDEM-X Bistatic Mode

TanDEM-X Science Phase started in October 2014 with the operation of the pursuit monostatic mode. In March 2015 the two satellites will be reconfigured into a formation to acquire data […]


Form for the SPOT World Heritage programme

The SPOT World Heritage programme offers SPOT satellites archive imagery over five years old, free of charge to public. ForM@Ter proposes to collect the needs of the solid Earth scientific […]


Minute of the PEPS meeting (9/01/2015)

Minute of the meeting on the PEPS platform that took place at CNES January 9, 2015 is now available with the pdf presented during the meeting, on the website in […]


Newsletter N°10

ForM@Ter Newsletter N°10
November – December 2014


Sentinel-1 data and PEPS

The PEPS platform implemented by CNES in coordination with the French stakeholders will help to repatriate all Sentinels-1 data, except Level 0 data, without geographical restriction. In an attempt to […]

Non classé

PEPS project

PEPS (Plateforme d’Exploitation des Produits Sentinelles: platform operating Sentinel products) is a project implemented by CNES in coordination with French stakeholders. It aims to provide national access to Sentinel products […]

ForM@Ter project

EPOS Implementation Phase

EPOS is currently at the end of the preparatory phase (2010-2014) and enters into the implementation phase (2015-2040). The WG8 (Satellite Information Data), will be integrated into the implementation phase […]